Saturday, January 6, 2018

Mini: Instructions

Mini : General Instructions

What's a Mini?
 Minis are tiny punch needle patterns. They range no larger than 3 1/2" x 3 1/2". Perfect for refrigerator magnets, tree ornaments, jewelry pendants or brooches here is a link on Pinterest for ideas on how to embellish a mini:

You will need embroidery floss, a one strand needle (CTR blue), a three strand punch needle,(CTR red) a threader, a sharp pair of scissors, weavers cloth and a hoop.

Let's break down the tools:

There are many kinds of floss. Most of the time I will use DMC, Gentle arts, and Weeks dye works for the minis. Possibly or should I say occasionally, Valdani Pearl cotton and Moire wool thread.

DMC, Gentle Arts, Weeks Dye works are six separate small strands wrap together to make a 6 strand floss. These flosses have to be separated when using one, two, three, four, or five strands. Here is a link to a wonderful video on YouTube by (Annette Rosanelli at this video explains the way I separate my threads.

How to separate floss a Youtube Video


I love the CTR brand needles, They are a joy to work with. You will need the 1 strand (Blue CTR), and the 3 strand (Red CTR).

The blue CTR, one strand can only be used with 1 strand of floss.
The red 3 strand is much more versatile, it excepts 2, 3 and 4 strands of floss.
We will be using the red CTR (3 strand) with 2 strands of the floss for the minis occasionally, but mainly the blue 1 strand CTR.


I set both needles with a fairly small loop. Measure the tip of the needle to the gauge it should be 10 mm or 6/8". To long a loop will not give you the detail you need.
I also sell the threaders with the gauge included that can be cut to any length you desire.


A must have for any punch needle project to thread the needle. I do have another link on how to thread your needle if your not familiar. Here is the link:
The threader if new may give you a little trouble at first going through the 1 strand CTR but it does give way and gets easier after the first few times.
I also sell the threaders with the gauge included that can be cut to any length you desire.


A sharp, very sharp pair of scissors. If your scissors are not sharp, you will have a tendency to pull the thread out when your trying to snip the ends.


You will need approximately a  9" x 11" inches. Which will be available in the shop if you like.  The good news is all the Mini patterns in my etsy shop come pre printed on the weavers cloth.



I prefer the Morgan hoop. On the inside of the hoop there is a ridge that helps to keep your fabric drum tight. Your fabric must be tight or you will end up with different lengths of loops, also the loops may not form at all. Morgan also has a double hoop so you can be hands free. They are a bit pricey but well worth the investment.  I suggest the 5" or 7" hoop. The double would be the 7" and 10" or  5" and 7" Morgan Lap stand.

Want more information and instructions I have added a separate page on the side bar just for minis...head there now

Well there you have it....are you ready for the pattern?  Hop on over to my Etsy shop:
Pick your favorites and have fun!


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